1. Really like the 1-page adventure idea sheet Nate! The page background and formatting is a nice touch too. Definitely going in my GM toolbox. Cheers!

    • Thanks! I’m glad you find it useful. I’m hoping to do more stuff like that.

  2. These are awesome it really is helping me and my friends get used to the game

  3. I wish I had found these tutorials earlier on when I was first learning 5th Edition, especially the buyer’s guide. I’ve bookmarked this page since and I have sent it to all my 5th edition beginner friends.

  4. Hi Nathan,
    Thanks, so much, for posting your youtube videos. I just watched the 2 “how to play D&D” ones, and they were really helpful in understanding how to run a basic combat and moving around situation. Now I’m going to watch the character creation one, so I can understand what all the stuff on the character sheets mean. Then my poor kids will be subjected to hours of role playing games!

    One idea for a video: ideas for making adventures for little kids. Since you have a 5 year old, I guess it’s something you think about. Make the video!

    • Great idea for a video. I’ll try to do something like that. Have fun with your kids!

  5. Dear Mr. Vanderzee,
    I am learning how to play DnD 5e and I was wondering if you might direct me to the solo campaigns you use in your “How To Play D&D” videos? I am looking for a level 1 one-shot solo campaign so my brother can teach me how to play in an actual game.

    • Hi Kenji. I actually don’t know of anything like that. I pretty much made mine up on the spot with very little planning and I don’t have it written down anywhere. Sorry! If you ask around on reddit or FB groups you can probably find some suggestions. Good luck! And thanks for stopping by the site.

  6. Nate I live in a small town and don’t have many friends, my family is also generally uninterested in D&D and I’m trying to find a group. Any advice?
    Thanks, Sam

  7. Nate,

    I am wanting to run my first campagin in DND in 3 days. I got everything from Amazon yesterday. I need help with something, though. It is my first time running a campagin, and I have only ever played once online. I will be running the “Lost Mine of Phandelver” campagin, and I am an awful drawer. Do you know where I can find pre-made maps for that specific campagin? Thanks
    P.S. Your “how to play D&D” videos helped me a lot. Thanks again

  8. Hey Nate!

    Been watching the old Provokers campaign and I’m absolutely hooked! You guys are amazing. I noticed that when the games take place people watch it live and are able to comment on the channel. I was just wondering where I can watch the streams live like people Twitch. I wasn’t able to find you guys on Twitch and was hoping you could tell me where I can watch you guys live in the future. Thanks!

    Scott M

  9. Hi.
    I’ve had an interest in this game since I was little but I have never had the opportunity to play it. The main question I have is: Is D&D the same online as it is when played face to face?


  10. Hi Nate! Im going to start my first D&D adventures with a bunch of good ol’ friends in Colima, México. Just wanted to thank and congratulate you, the youtube videos you made are actually pretty useful, I hope i will be a good DM , the Essential Kit is on the way from amazon , so wish us luck, its our first time and also the only active D&D group in this whole little state i guess . (I’ll be very thankfull if you could answer me a couple questions in this trip that is about to start, if needed).

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